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The Italian Ministry of Health published a dataset on the most distributed * drugs through drugstores (here you can find the dataset).
In methodological terms I have aggregated all the drugs with the same starting word E.g. All kind of “Tachipirina” packs (most sold paracetamol drug in Italy) are grouped in a single variable, regardless of whether the active substance was 500mg or 1000mg, or shall be used the oral mouth**.
There is a fundamental categorical variable inside the dataset“Modalità” and could assume two values:
- SOP, Drugs Without Prescription)
- OTC, Over The Counter, all the drugs without prescription that could be advertised
In the next post, I will analyze the relationship between drugs consumption and advertising.
The first 5 drugs in Italy, with the highest distribution in the first semester of 2016 are:
Tachipirina 8+Mil of boxes
Enterorgermina 3+Mil of boxes
80% of the time spent was for cleaning the dataset.
I had to skip first rows, you can understand why from the picture attached.
Moreover, data were decoded through “ISO-8859-1”, instead of “utf-8” and was not comma-separated but the dataset used the semicolon “;”
Numeric values were in the following format “1.000.000” so I stripped the dots in order to cast as Integer. I noticed only after a first data inspection, otherwise, I could use a specific option inside pd.read_csv()
Here a link to an interesting question on stack overflow that helped me in reading with pandas the csv. At first, I didn’t recognize the encoding problem.
This question is also useful and I used for the first-word extraction when some words start with special character.
Thanks for reading the article!
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If you think it could be improved or I have to fix something text me 🙂
# Import pandas
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Import plotting module
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Import regex module
import re
#We explore drugs name
#A necessary step for
#the next phase of cleaning and aggregation
#A drug "Rinazina" started with ** because the Ministry have to confirm the data
#for semplicity i rempoved **
csv_mod['Denominazione della confezione']=csv_mod['Denominazione della confezione'].str.replace('*','')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 52 entries, 0 to 51 Data columns (total 6 columns): N° 51 non-null object Codice Autorizzazione all'Immissione in Commercio (AIC) 50 non-null float64 Denominazione della confezione 50 non-null object Fascia PTN 50 non-null object Modalità Prescrizione 50 non-null object Quantità confezioni fornite alle farmacie ed agli esercizi commerciali 50 non-null object dtypes: float64(1), object(5) memory usage: 2.5+ KB
#We add a Column "Farmaco" to our Dataframe
#Why? This column help us for the following group operations
def primaparola(colonna_di_testo):
pattern=r'\W*(\w[^,. !?"]*)'
return re.match(pattern,colonna_di_testo).group()
print(type(csv_mod['Denominazione della confezione']))
estratto=csv_mod['Denominazione della confezione'].apply(primaparola)
csv_mod['Quantità confezioni fornite alle farmacie ed agli esercizi commerciali']=pd.to_numeric(csv_mod['Quantità confezioni fornite alle farmacie ed agli esercizi commerciali'].str.replace('.',''))
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
#We group our dataframe by 'Farmaco' column
#And we determine the sum
#We sort our data in descending order
df_farmaco=grouped['Quantità confezioni fornite alle farmacie ed agli esercizi commerciali'].sort_values(ascending=False)
#We create an array
#to plot on the X axis our drugs
#The names of drugs will be our x-axis labels
#We visualize our data through a Scatter Plot
plt.title('Best selling Drugs without prescription in the first semester of 2016')
plt.ylabel('# boxes sold')
plt.xticks(ln,(label) ,rotation=90)
plt.text(10, 4, 'Data Elaboration Ing. Andrea Ciufo',
fontsize=15, color='gray',
ha='center', va='top', alpha=0.9)
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (15,4)